1高压断路器回路电阻测试仪的试验研究与改进 霍凤鸣1 李媛媛2 李英锋3 1、 河北省电力研究院(石家庄 050021) 2、 启和科技(保定 071051) 摘要: 断路器回路电阻测试仪是电力系统常用的试验仪器, 目前断路器直阻测试都是采用典型的四线制测量法, 在现场试验时会由于电压测试线接触不良, 出现错误判断甚至不能进行测试的问题。 本文提出在电压测试线两端加一个小电流恒流源, 用来判断电压测试线接触是否良好, 打破了电压测试线不加电流的局限, 创造性的提出了改进型四线制测量法, 结合研制的智能型回路电阻测试仪, 在电压测试线接触不良时, 仪器能够及时准确提示, 使得测试仪器测出的数值一定是被试品的真实电阻, 节约测试时间, 提高了工作效率, 避免了错误判断的问题。 本产品已申请专利, 专利号: 201 020581 21 8. 8。 Abstract: The circuit breaker loop resistance tester is the test instrument commonly used in Power Systems.Currently, the means used for circuit breaker direct resistance testing is typical four-wire measuring method . While in the field test , the misjudgement and even the problem that testing can’t be done may occur as a result of bad contact in the voltage test line . In this paper, the author proposes that a voltage test line’s ends add a small constant current source, to judge whether the line’s contact is good or not . The idea broke the limitation of adding no current in voltage test line , and creatively put forward the improved four-wire measuring method. Then the intelligent loop resistence tester based on this is developed . The trouble of bad contact in the voltage test line can be timely and accurately pointed out when using the intelligent loop resistence tester .Then the values measured by test instrument must be the true resistance of the tested items..So it not only saved test time, but also improved efficiency, and avoided the error of judgment. 关键词: 断路器直阻 改进型四线制测量法 智能化测量 Key Wor d s :c i r c u i t br eaker d i r ec t r es i s t an c e ; i mpr ov ed f ou r - wi r e meas u r i n g met h od ; i n t el l i g en t meas u r i n g 断路器回路电阻测试是在断路器导电回路施加 1 00A 或更大的直流电流, 根据产生的压降来计算断路器导电回路的直阻值, 从而判断断路器导电回路是否存 2在接触不良等隐患。
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